Informed Magnetic Technology
Discover our informed magnetic devices designed to address pain and inflammation through specific frequencies.
Explore our magnetotherapy devices and their impact on natural well-being

The BIOKIMATIK DIT60 Gold features a 60 mm permanent NdFeB Grade N40 magnet with advanced magnetic information, programmed with 12 specific frequency sequences to directly interact with cellular processes, enhancing the body's response to pain and inflammation. Its larger size makes it particularly suitable for short and intensive daily applications

The BIOKIMATIK DIT20 Gold utilizes a 20 mm permanent NdFeB Grade N40 magnet with advanced magnetic information, programmed with 12 specific frequency sequences to directly interact with cellular processes, improving the body's response to pain and inflammation. Its compact size makes it ideal for continuous daily applications.

The BIOKIMATIK DIT20 Metal is equipped with a 20 mm permanent NdFeB Grade N40 magnet, featuring advanced magnetic information and 12 specific frequency sequences. This design allows direct interaction with cellular processes, optimizing the body's response to pain and inflammation. Its compact dimensions make it particularly suitable for continuous daily use, even during intense physical activity.
The BIOKIMATIK DIT60 Gold Custom is designed with a 60 mm permanent NdFeB Grade N40 magnet and advanced magnetic information.
It offers the possibility of customizing the specific frequency sequences for different applications. Its larger size makes it particularly suited for short and intensive daily applications.

DIT60 Gold art. MI 0011
DIT20 Gold art. MI 0013
DIT20 Metal art. MI 0015
DIT60 Gold Custom art. MI 0017
BIOKIMATIK is produced by Natural Pharma Holding Ltd - London, UK
+39 377 3348914
© 2025. All rights reserved.
BIOKIMATIK is distributed by Erbofarmosan International srl - Bitonto (Ba), Italy
Important notice: The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of medical or healthcare professionals.BIOKIMATIK devices are designed to promote bioenergetic well-being through stable-field magnetotherapy and specific frequencies. They should not be used to diagnose or treat any disease. It is recommended to consult a doctor or a qualified healthcare professional before using BIOKIMATIK devices, especially in cases of pre-existing medical conditions, pregnancy, or if using implanted electronic medical devices, such as pacemakers.
Disclaimer: Natural Pharma Holding Ltd and Erbofarmosan International Srl assume no responsibility for the improper use of BIOKIMATIK devices or for any consequences arising from use that does not comply with the provided guidelines. Users are advised to carefully read the instructions for use and precautions before use. By purchasing and using BIOKIMATIK devices, the user knowingly accepts these terms. For further information, please contact us through the Support section of the website.